Building Materials

For more than 200 years, cement has been a critical component of building and building materials. Most often it is used as a component of concrete, which can be transformed into buildings, bridges, sidewalks, walls and other structures. As a raw material, cement is often stored and transported in bulk in silos or tanks. Not only during storage, but when using cement, it is important to know exactly how much material is available and moving around. A bulk material, like cement,  is accurately and reliably monitored with Bindicator level sensors.

Application Detail

  • Point Level Sensors are used for high and low level fail safe operations to prevent overflows and shortages of material
  • Continuous Level Sensors are ideal for situations where the amount of material is needed to be known consistently
  • Material Handling products, such as aerators and broken bag detectors, are utilized to keep materials moving and flowing
  • Communication Devices control and manage inventory levels with real-time information integrated directly into an existing company system